Natural Organic Food Is Not For Everyone

Natural organic food is not for everyone. There are many circumstances where even the person who might like to go organic and consume only natural organic food and food products will be at a loss as to how to go about this in an economically viable manner. The reason for this might seem self evident to some people, but the truth of the matter is that...

Posted by Ashton

Why You Need A Raw Food Diet

Those who do not really know what a raw food diet is might think it’s a diet that only rabbits might like. These same people might think that a raw food diet is equal to a vegetarian diet in that a person on a raw diet eats nothing but fruits and vegetables, hence the thinking a raw food diet is for rabbits. It is true that...

Posted by Ashton

The History of Pizza in Italian Food

Italian food is unique amongst world cuisines in that it has birthed not one, but two international sensations. Of course I'm talking about pasta and pizza. Pizza is one of the most widely eaten foods today. While most people think of pizza in America as Italian food, it really is not like the pizza of authentic Italian food. It is said that with one taste...

Posted by Ashton

Regional Italian Food

When most people think of Italian food they think of dishes of spaghetti, lasagna, minestrone, and tortellini. This is a very general view of Italian food and if you were to travel to Italy you would be very shocked by the Italian food that they eat. The main reason for this is that there are over nineteen regions in Italy, all serving up their own variation...

Posted by Ashton

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Finance – General Overview

Finance is a generally applied term for more than a couple of things. The term finance applies to the commercial activity of providing funds and capital; also it is that branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets. If one were to round up the different definitions into one, finance can...

Posted by Ashton

Why You Need A Raw Food Diet

Those who do not really know what a raw food diet is might think it’s a diet that only rabbits might like. These same people might think that a raw food diet is equal to a vegetarian diet in that a person on a raw diet eats nothing but fruits and vegetables, hence the...

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Personal Finance Is Your Responsibility

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Convenient Sources For Music

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Pearl Earrings and a Black Mini Dress: A Timeless Combination for Any Occasion

When it comes to fashion, there are a few combinations that never go out of style. One of the most classic and sophisticated pairings is a black mini dress with pearl earrings. Whether you're heading to a formal event, a night out with friends, or just looking to elevate your everyday...

Posted by Annabelle Hayes